Sylvan Kruseof Kadoka, South Dakota, died on Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Sylvan Louis Kruse was born on September 26, 1957 to Lawrence and Betty (Hammer) Kruse in Quinn, South Dakota.
He attended grade school in Interior and graduated high school from Sunshine Bible Academy. After high school Sylvan attended Frontier School of the Bible.
In 1978 he returned to the Badlands and began ranching. From 1978 to 1995, Sylvan was an active and dedicated member of the Interior VFD. He served as Chief of the IVFD from 1984 to 1985. Sylvan served on the board of directors of the Stable Ministry in Kadoka and served as an elder for the Kadoka Presbyterian Church from 1985 to 1991. He volunteered his time to many different church ministries over the course of many years.
He was a skilled mechanic and loved his horses and dogs. He was a fun, loving uncle to many nieces and nephews. He was also a good neighbor for many years.
Survivors include seven siblings Roger Kruse and his wife Cheryl of Rock Springs, Wyoming, Kevin Kruse and his wife Joanne of Interior, David Kruse and his wife Marianne of Interior, Charles Kruse and his wife Beth of Interior, Daniel Kruse and his wife Heidi of Interior, and Philip Kruse and his wife Amy of Interior; one sister Lois Zibell and her husband Robert of Steamboat Springs, Colorado; several nieces and nephews; and a host of other relatives and friends.
Sylvan was preceded in death by his mother Betty Kruse on March 22, 2011; his father Lawrence Kruse on December 21, 2013, and a brother Raymond as a child.
The family would especially like to express our gratitude to all the care givers at Kadoka Nursing Home for their friendship and excellent care.
Funeral services will be held 10:00 a.m. Saturday, July 22, at the Interior Community Church.
A luncheon will follow at the Interior Community Center.
Interment will be at the Interior Fairview Cemetery.
Saturday, July 22, 2017 - 10:00 a.m.
Interior Community Church
Interior, South Dakota
Pastor Nathan Mudd
Marianne Kruse & Ann Mudd - Pianists
Congregational Hymns
“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” - #575
“Great is Thy Faithfulness” - #139
Sylvan’s Brothers and Sisters - Special Music
“Mansion Over the Hilltop”
Matt Kruse - Paul Kruse - Ryan Kruse
Roger Kruse - Kevin Kruse
David Kruse - Charlie Kruse
Daniel Kruse - Philip Kruse
All Relatives and Friends in Attendance
Chad Kruse - Marshall Kruse
Reid Kruse - Courtney Bartlett
Interior Fairview Cemetery
Interior, South Dakota