George D. Hendrickson

of Iowa City, Iowa, formerly of Philip, South Dakota, died on Sunday, December 19, 1993
at his home in Iowa City, Iowa at the age of 94

George Dewey Hendrickson was born March 24, 1899, at Custer, South Dakota, to Peter and Christina (Fredrickson) Hendrickson.  He attended high school at Custer for two years, then attended and graduted from Plainview Academy at Redfield, South Dakota, and from Huron College in 1923.  He was a high school coach and principal at Wolsey and Wentworth, South Dakota, before going to Philip, South Dakota, in 1931 as Superintendent of Schools.

G.D. married a Philip teacher, Alice Fedje, on July 6, 1932, at Hoople, North Dakota.

He was a strong advocate of all forms of school activities during the twenty-five years he was superintendent at Philip.  His wife, Alice, resumed teaching during the war years and continued teaching until they moved to Aberdeen, South Dakota, in 1956.

In 1956, George became supervisor of the State Teacher Placement Service in Abderdeen until his retirement in 1966.  Upon retirement G.D. was a leader in the S.D. Retired Teachers Association and led a lobbying effort in the legislature to expand benefits for all teachers.  In 1972 he was voted South Dakota Retired Teacher of the Year.  In 1965 Huron College recognized him as an outstanding alumnus, citing his many outstanding achievements as a South Dakota educator and community leader.

He was active in Kiwanis for over 50 years and served as both Governor and Lt. Governor of the Minn-Dak District of Kiwanis International, receiving numerous national achievement awards for his outstanding youth work with Key Clubs and Circle K Clubs.

George was a member of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Aberdeen, and a member of Sunrise Masonic Lodge #211 and Aberdeen Kiwanis Club.  He was a honorary member of the Beadle Club; a life member of the NEA, the South Dakota Education Association, National and S.D. Retired Teachers Association.

While Superintendent of Schools at Philip he was chairman of the High School Speech and Declamation Committee for 20 years and was a member of the S.D. Athletic Association Board of Control for five years.  He was an active booster for various Philip imporvement programs and was instrumental in securing the Philip National Guard Unit, the Philip lighted athletic field, summer recreation programs, including Legion baseball.

Survivors are his son, Fred Hendrickson of Iowa City, Iowa; a daughter, Mary Alice Keyser of Rapid City, South Dakota; eight grandchildren: Scott Hendrickson of Des Moines, Iowa; Gary Hendrickson of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; Mikal and Patrik Hendrickson, both of Iowa City, Iowa; George D. Hendrickson II of Seattle, Washington; Karen Nelson of Philip, South Dakota; Donna Cole of Rapid City, South Dakota; and Douglas Keyser of Ft. Pierre, South Dakota; six great-grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews, and friends.

He was preceded in death by his wie, Alice, on July 22, 1993; one great-granddaughter; his parents; three brothers; and four sisters.

Wednesday, December 22, 1993
10:00 a.m.
American Legion Hall
Philip, South Dakota

Reverend Hans Sacrison

Peggy Eggers - Pianist
Karen & Mark Nelson - Vocalists

Jim Cole - Dwayne "Sonny" Newman

Active Pallbearers
Doug Keyser - Darral Brooks
Scott Hendrickson - Patrik Hendrickson
Hank Thompson - George Hendrickson II

Honorary Pallbearers
Warren O' Connell - Rex Radway
Dave Evans - Howard Kennedy
Ralph Brooks - Bob Coyle

Masonic Cemetery
Philip, South Dakota

Service Details

Wednesday, December 22, 1993
10:00 a.m.
American Legion Hall in Philip